Monday, July 24, 2006

Are you drinkin' what I'm pourin'?

I think this week's scripture passages ask us about what we've been feeding ourselves.

(Maybe I'm still just stuck with that image we used last Sunday, of Jesus at the well, needing water and offering the water of life... Or maybe food really matters to more people than just me...)

In any case, the food is obvious in John 6:1-21--Jesus takes the meager offerings of one little boy (five loaves and two fish) and uses it to feed a skeptical and hungry crowd. With abundance, I might add.

The food is a bit less obvious in Ephesians 3:14-21, unless you think like a tree--Paul prays that Christ will dwell in our hearts as we are being "rooted and grounded in love." Roots are a part of the eating-and-drinking work of plants. We're nourished in love, and that's how we get to embody Christ-ness.

The food is even more obscure in the Psalms, except that other Psalms tell us that God's wisdom is sweeter than honey: looking at the corruption of the world, God wonders if there are any who are wise enough to seek after God.

So my question is: what do you spend your time seeking after? (And is it good food--the kind that will allow Christ to dwell in your heart, and love to be shown to neighbors?)

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